We would travel to the ends of the earth, risk life and limb if at the end of it was even just the hope of a remedy for this cruel affliction. I'm sure if you are reading this you will have tried everything going too but just in case the trigger for your migraines lies in something simple or perhaps you may find mild relief in one of these things, here are few things that may help...
Feel free to post any I don't cover - I'm happy to try anything!
Kill or Cure? Which one is it for you?
For many caffeine can be a trigger for headaches and indeed migraines, however recent research has shown that actually a little bit of caffeine can help headaches. For me a decent cup of coffee (not instant) can provide some mild relief. Caffeine can increase the efficiency of painkillers by up to 40% so if they are not a trigger, a good cuppa may give you a little boost :)
Food Triggers
Cheese, Chocolate, Red Wine... whatever it may be the source to many people's pain lies in their diet. The old story of the food diary (I know eyes roll) to see if any specific triggers your migraine or headaches could be highly useful.
More recently Food Detective Kits to highlight any underlying food intolerances that could be the cause of daily headaches have become available on the market. They test for over 40 typical known allergens and on those days when it seems anything is worth a go, it might be an avenue to explore.
Videos on how the kits work are on youtube - they take roughly 40 mins to get results.
Migone Plus
Native Remedies MiGone Plus - Herbal Remedy to Prevent & Cure Chronic Cluster Headaches & Migraines
Now I know what you are thinking, 12 drops of this herbal formula 3 times a day and they guarantee that you will notice a reduction in your headaches or on some websites they will give you your money back? Well before I began drinking this stuff I wanted to know what exactly was in it...
It actually follows the tact of many migraine solution books, it is compromised of 3 main herbal extracts.
1. Feverfew - It is hypothesized that by inhibiting the release of serotonin and prostaglandins, both of which are believed to aid the onset of migraines, feverfew limits the inflammation of blood vessels in the head. This would, in theory, stop the blood vessel spasm which is believed to contribute to headaches.
2. Milk Thistle - Known for promoting liver function and improving the bodies ability to eliminate toxins
3. Passionflower - Known slightly reduce blood pressure, decrease nervous tension and anxiety promote relaxation.
With no side effects and 100% natural ingredients, it is a simple way to follow many migraine solution plans. It doesn't taste as bad as it smells either :)
Ice & Migracap
Ice can really help take the edge of the pain, there is always a bag of frozen peas, an ice pack and my migracap in the freezer ready and waiting! Place it wherever you feel the pain and sit with it for as long as you need or until it melts (with me usually the latter) and it should help reduce any inflammation.
Whilst most people will always say wrap whatever you are using in a towel first to avoid freezer burn etc.. sometimes I don't find this cold enough and just plonk the bag of peas straight on my head.
This is why I find the migracap particularly good because it is good degree of cold and can be placed right next to the skin - if you don't pull the migracap Migra-Cap Drug Free Migraine Relief Black
Dehydration is the most common cause of headaches and whilst it may not be the root of your pain it may be a contributing to the feelings you are experiencing up top. Make sure you are drinking enough fluids in a day (6-8 glasses) and if you think that you could be dehydrated, salt replacement sachets such Dioralyte Dioralyte Supplement Replacement of Lost Body Water & Salts Sachets - Citrus Flavour - 6 Sachets
Darkness & Sunglasses
Recent studies have shown exposure to light intensifies the pain of migraine headaches and that even the dimmest of light could make the pain worse. Wearing sunglasses even at night or in a dark room can help significantly reduce pain. After 20 - 30 minutes in a dark room it was noticed that neurons in the brain that were agitated during migraine activity began to calm down.
Feverfew supplements
Research has found that patients taking feverfew experienced a significant reduction in the frequency and severity of their migraines. Not only that but pain, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light were also significantly reduced following treatment with feverfew.
The recommended dosage is one 125mg feverfew capsule taken once a day. You can get feverfew from health shops like Holland & Barret or online Tanacet Feverfew 125mg 90 Tablets
Magnesium & Calcium Supplements
Magnesium has an important connection with migraines due the role it plays in stabilising blood vessel walls. Additionally it aids protein synthesis, keeps bones strong, maintains normal muscle and nerve function and helps you get to sleep. It has been believed for many years that there is a strong link between the levels of magnesium in the body and migraine patterns, as advocated in the book Magnesium Solution for Migraine Headaches: How to Use Magnesium to Prevent and Relieve Migraine and Cluster Headaches Naturally
It is thought that magnesium helps prevent the constriction of blood vessels in the brain which leads to the headaches.
If you are thinking of taking magnesium supplements, you will need to take calcium with it. High levels of magnesium won't stop your migraines if your levels of calcium are low. Nowadays there are planty of combined supplements that provide the perfect balance of each so it's really easy to achieve. I have tried the brand Osteocare in the past.
Soak your feet!
Believe it or not soaking your feet in warm water can help relieve a headache. The warm water causes blood vessels in the feet to dilate, causing blood to rush to the feet and the vessels in the head to constrict. This eases the pressure on the nerves in the head causing the problem. To accentuate the effect place an ice pack or migracap (see above) on your head to ensure the heat from your feet doesn't reach your head and make the headache worse. After you have finished soaking find some thick socks to keep your feet nice and warm and the vessels dilated.
Sleep can be quite restorative when it comes to headaches and migraines. For those with chronic headaches or migraines try to get into a regular pattern of sleeping and avoid long lie ins and mid-afternoon naps. Make sure you are getting a good nights sleep and giving yourself adequate wind down time at the end of each day - i know this is easier said than done. For others sometimes catching a bit of sleep when a headache begins is enough to stop it in its tracks. Some people experience what is known as a weekend headache, which occurs because they disrupt a regular weeks sleeping pattern with a long lie at the weekend - if you experience this try missing out on your lie in (sorry) and see if this helps things...
Oxygen therapy.
This involves the sufferer breathing 100% oxygen for approx 10-15 mins. Whilst this is commonly used today for treatment for cluster headaches, its widespread application to other forms of headache is less commonly exploited. Research has found that oxygen therapy can provide pain relief and even completely the relieve the headache/migraine in about 80% of cases.
For further information:
Oxyfit often advertise on my blog, they provide 100% medicinal grade oxygen for home use.
My experience with this is that I find it useful when I get a short, sharp, stabbing pains (that sometimes accompanies the beginnings of a headache), I find the edge is taken off the pain and doesn't tend to escalate any further.
You may find relief and even a cure in the most simplest of function you perform everyday without thinking - breathing.