Thursday, 24 February 2011

to those who watch us suffer...

Whilst the person who experiences these headaches, whatever form they are in, is the fundamental sufferer in all of this, the families and friends of that person can’t be overlooked.  Watching a person shrivel over the passing weeks and months to a shadow of their former self is not a pleasant journey particularly when it is something that you can have no impact on.  This is not something specific to headaches either, anybody who has lived with or known somebody who experiences daily pain of varying intensity will say that over time, as strong as they may seem the pain changes them.  For me I am very lucky to have somebody who I feel comfortable enough to voice what I am feeling and ultimately this is how this blog was born.
So if you are one of those people who has stumbled upon this blog, perhaps because you've found your loved one curled up on the cool bathroom floor once more trying to find solace from the pain, then know that this painful journey would be a lot tougher without you. Your support, love, friendship, patience, smiles and laughter are what get us through each and every headache. Thank you.