Try to make your headache diary specific to you, for example if you are a person that suffers from phonophobia (dislike of noise) note on what days this is present and when it's worse.
The particular points on the head where you experience pain are very important and can be indicative of the cause of and particular type of headache e.g the classic fishhook pattern from temple round to back of the ear is common to tension headaches. On my headache diary I have a sketch of a head I colour in with a red pen to show where the pain is, including all the facial pain I experience.
Key points to include:
- date
- when the headache started
- duration of headache
- any medication taken and dose
- did medication work?
- what did you eat that day?
- how would you describe the pain?
A reasonable one can be found at this link
if you would like a copy of mine, let me know...
Include information on any likely triggers, things you may think are trivial like how much sleep you got, stress levels, any physical activities etc.. and try and look for patterns and anything that could hint at the key to solving your headaches.
Remember that the most usual for diary will be designed for your which encompassing the symptoms you experience, as this will allow you to gain most insight and understanding.