Many people know it as marshmallow head, brain fuzz, muzziness but I call it cloudy head because for me it's like I have a cloud hanging over my brain that never allows it to quite function clearly.
The correct term is 'background headache' and for chronic daily migraine sufferers this is usually there almost all of the time - a contributory factor to the fatigue and a drain on their mood. It can occur alongside or without a headache but what does brain fuzz feel like? Thundery days when it feels 'close' or when a room is too stuffy or that heady feeling you get when you are dehydrated but sometimes its not as heavy as those feelings sometimes it’s a lighter headed dizzy feeling like you’ve had a drink and its gone to your head or that you have spun round really fast. Either way it’s a haze that doesn’t really stop you functioning but its stops you functioning comfortably and at your optimum. I know on days like this my attention span is atrocious, I don’t want to read anything heavy or get my teeth into anything sometimes the seemingly trivial tasks ‘can wait’ and life in general just requires a bit more effort. On clear headed days I am ‘busyholic’ and love getting stuck into a challenging problem or having a good clearout another example of Dr Jekyll and Little Miss Migraine.
This was one area where I found that botox helped considerably as after the second set of injections the background headache disappeared completely and having the haze lifted made a massive difference, particularly in energy levels...